Sky Scam Alert! / Rhybudd Sgam Sky!


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Sky Scam Alert!! / Rhybudd Sgam Sky!!

We've received reports of fraudsters contacting members of the public pretending to be from Sky.

The fraudsters claim to be offering compensation for poor broadband speed.

Victims have allowed access to their devices (laptop and smartphone) and have also provided their bank details in order to receive the compensation.

The fraudsters are then taking money out of the victims account in the thousands.

Please share information about this scam with your family, friends and neighbours.



Rydym wedi derbyn adroddiadau am dwyllwyr yn cysylltu ag aelodau o'r cyhoedd yn esgus bod o gwmni Sky.

Mae'r twyllwyr yn honni eu bod yn cynnig iawndal am gyflymder band eang gwael.

Mae dioddefwyr wedi caniatáu mynediad i’w dyfeisiau digidol (gliniadur a ffôn clyfar) ac maent hefyd wedi rhannu eu manylion banc er mwyn derbyn y iawndal.

Mae'r twyllwyr yna wedi tynnu symiau sylweddol o arian allan o gyfrif y dioddefwyr.

Cofiwch rannu gwybodaeth am y sgam yma hefo eich teulu, ffrindiau a chymdogion.
