There are three War Memorials in Llandegla, the Memorial Cross outside the church, the stained glass window inside the church and a plaque in the Memorial Hall.
If you have any information, pictures, letters or memorabilia which could be added to this website and kept as historic data please get in touch and we will be delighted to work with you to preserve the memory of those who gave so much.
Below is a small amount of information which has been gathered from various sources and publicly accessible records on the Internet.
Transcribed data used by kind permission of and The National Archives UK
The inscription which heads the War Memorial Plaque found in the Memorial Hall is taken from the Welsh song, I Blas Gogerddan and has been translated as meaning "It is better to die young and brave than live as a coward." It is unusal in as much that it records the names of all those who left Llandegla to go to War not just those who did not return.
© 2024 Fraser Robertson