Message from St Tecla's Church Warden Annie Walsh

I hope you are all keeping well and can I say a big thank you to all of you who turned up last Sunday for the first service at St Tecla’s for nearly 5 months - it was so good to see everyone and it made all the effort worthwhile.


Can I also add a big thank you to Martin Snellgrove who took the service, this Sunday we will be holding another service at 10.00 am and once again Martin Snellgrove has kindly offered to take the service – so do please come if you can - please find attached the poster – rest assured we all sit at least 2 metres apart.


As usual please also find attached this week’s pastoral letter from the Bishop . . . It will be his last for a few weeks as he is going on Holiday. Also attached are the Sunday reading sheets, The Roots resources, the Redemptorist and finally a Reflection from Canon Martin Snellgrove. If you know anyone who doesn’t have the internet and would like a copy of all these do please print them out and give them to them.


Hopefully see some of you all again on Sunday – take care.


Kind regards Annie Walsh