Message from St Tecla's Church Warden Annie Walsh
Dear Friends,
Happy New Year and let us hope that for all of us it is a happier coming year than 2020.
Our apologies for getting the Readings, Reflections, Psalms, Worship and January Blue out to you slightly later than we normally do BUT with the bad weather and sudden snow falls it has meant that we had to put our 4 legged flock first.
Sadly because of the need for a sudden lockdown those of us at St Tecla’s were unable to say goodbye to Martin Snellgrove before his retirement, but John Gamble our Mission Area leader has suggested that we, with members of other churches, all make a Pilgrimage out to Llandudno when it is safe so that we all can say goodbye to Martin and his wife Pam.
In the meantime stay safe and warm, continue to wear masks, stay 2 metres apart . . . . and hopefully it will be a happier and healthier year for us all.
Best wishes Annie & Martyn