Message from St Tecla's Church Warden Annie Walsh
Dear All,
I must first start by thanking Dorothi Evans who drove all the way over from Corwen to take last Sundays service for one of our largest gatherings.
Dorothi’s services always have a smile in that they are warm, relaxed and there is always the element of surprise in the music she plays from her mobile phone. Last Sunday the surprise came in the form of her son, who to the amusement of all present rang her in the middle of her gospel reading – everyone joyfully commented what a wonderful service it was.
This week please find the monthly Pastoral Letter from Bishop Gregory, plus the usual resources and a reflection by Dorothi on the St Tecla's page.
We look forward to seeing all those of you who can make it on Sunday at 10.00 when Martin Snellgrove will be taking the service.
Stay safe and well.
Anni Walsh
St Tecla’s Church warden